Quantization Aware Training for Transfer Learned MobileNet-v2

This example shows how to perform quantization aware training for transfer learned MobileNet-v2 network.
Low precision types like int8 propagate quantization error that may degrade the accuracy of the network. Quantization aware training is a method that introduces quantization error at training, thus giving the network the ability to adapt and ultimately produce a network more robust to quantization. In most cases, a quantized network or integer-arithmetic only network constructed after quantization aware training can produce accuracy on par with the original floating point network.
This example takes you through the quantization workflow of a transfer learned MobileNet-v2 network. MobileNet-v2 was chosen for this example because it contains depthwise-separable convolution layers that are especially sensitive to post-training quantization.
The flowchart below highlights the steps necessary to convert a trained network into a quantized one via quantization aware training.

Load Flower Dataset

Download the flower dataset [1] using the supporting function downloadFlowerDataset.
imageFolder = downloadFlowerDataset;
Downloading Flower Dataset (218 MB)...
imds = imageDatastore(imageFolder, ...
IncludeSubfolders=true, ...
Inspect the classes of the data.
classes = string(categories(imds.Labels))
classes = 5×1 string

Perform Transfer Learning on MobileNet-v2

MobileNet-v2 is a convolutional netural network 53 layers deep. The pretrained version of the network is trained on more than a million images from the ImageNet database.
net = mobilenetv2;
Split the data into training and validation sets and create augmented image datastores that automatically resize the images to the input size of the network.
[imdsTrain,imdsValidation] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.9);
inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize;
augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize,imdsTrain);
augimdsValidation = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize,imdsValidation);
validationActualLabels = imdsValidation.Labels;
Set aside a portion of the training dataset to use during the calibration step of quantization. This datastore should be representative of the data used for training but ideally separate from the one used to validate.
augimdsCalibration = subset(shuffle(augimdsTrain),1:320);
Perform transfer learning on the network on the flowers image dataset. The learnable parameters of the trained network transferNet are in single precision.
transferNet = createFlowerNetwork(net,augimdsTrain,augimdsValidation,classes);

Evaluate Baseline Network Performance

Evaluate the performance of the single precision network. Performance in this case is defined as the correct classification rate.
netCCR = evaluateModelAccuracy(transferNet,augimdsValidation,validationActualLabels)
netCCR = 0.9101
Quantize the network using the createQuantizedNetwork function provided at the end of this example and evaluate the performance of the quantized network. Post-training quantization of the original network yields poor performance due to the range of learnable values in the depthwise separable convolution layers. An accuracy of roughly 20% is the equivalent to guessing one of the 5 possible labels for each image.
originalQuantizedNet = createQuantizedNetwork(transferNet,augimdsCalibration);
originalQuantizedCCR = evaluateModelAccuracy(originalQuantizedNet,augimdsValidation,validationActualLabels)
originalQuantizedCCR = 0.2452
bar( ...
categorical(["Original network","Post-training quantized network"]), ...
[netCCR,originalQuantizedCCR] ...
ylabel("Network Accuracy (%)")

Replace Network Layers with Quantization Aware Training Layers

Replace the Convolution2D and GroupedConvolution2D layers along with their adjacent BatchNormalization layers with custom layers that are quantization aware using the makeQuantizationAwareLayers function provided with this example. The quantization aware layers are custom layers that have modified forward and predict behavior that inject quantization error similar to that of post-training quantization. The quantization error comes from the quantizeToFloat function that quantizes, then unquantizes a given value using best-precision scaling to int8 precision.
Quantization to float can be expressed as follows.
The quantization step uses a non-differentiable operation round that would normally break the training workflow by zeroing out the gradients. During quantization aware training, bypass the gradient calculations for non-differentiable operations using an identity function. The diagram below [2] shows how the custom layer calculates the gradients for non-differentiable operations with the identity function via straight-through estimation.
For 2-D convolution layers, the weights and biases of the replacement layers include the batch normalization layer statistics. Convolution operations during training use the adjusted and quantized weights [3].
As the batch normalization layer statistics are incorporated into the convolution layers, the makeQuantizationAwareLayers replaces each batch normalization layer with an identity layer that returns its input as its output.
quantizationAwareLayerGraph = makeQuantizationAwareLayers(transferNet);
Inspect the layers of the network.
ans =
154×1 Layer array with layers: 1 'input_1' Image Input 224×224×3 images with 'zscore' normalization 2 'Conv1' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 3 'bn_Conv1' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 4 'Conv1_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 5 'expanded_conv_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 6 'expanded_conv_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 7 'expanded_conv_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 8 'expanded_conv_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 9 'expanded_conv_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 10 'block_1_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 11 'block_1_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 12 'block_1_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 13 'block_1_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 14 'block_1_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 15 'block_1_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 16 'block_1_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 17 'block_1_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 18 'block_2_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 19 'block_2_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 20 'block_2_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 21 'block_2_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 22 'block_2_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 23 'block_2_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 24 'block_2_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 25 'block_2_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 26 'block_2_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 27 'block_3_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 28 'block_3_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 29 'block_3_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 30 'block_3_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 31 'block_3_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 32 'block_3_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 33 'block_3_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 34 'block_3_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 35 'block_4_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 36 'block_4_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 37 'block_4_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 38 'block_4_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 39 'block_4_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 40 'block_4_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 41 'block_4_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 42 'block_4_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 43 'block_4_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 44 'block_5_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 45 'block_5_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 46 'block_5_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 47 'block_5_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 48 'block_5_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 49 'block_5_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 50 'block_5_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 51 'block_5_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 52 'block_5_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 53 'block_6_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 54 'block_6_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 55 'block_6_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 56 'block_6_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 57 'block_6_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 58 'block_6_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 59 'block_6_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 60 'block_6_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 61 'block_7_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 62 'block_7_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 63 'block_7_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 64 'block_7_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 65 'block_7_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 66 'block_7_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 67 'block_7_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 68 'block_7_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 69 'block_7_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 70 'block_8_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 71 'block_8_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 72 'block_8_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 73 'block_8_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 74 'block_8_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 75 'block_8_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 76 'block_8_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 77 'block_8_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 78 'block_8_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 79 'block_9_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 80 'block_9_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 81 'block_9_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 82 'block_9_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 83 'block_9_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 84 'block_9_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 85 'block_9_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 86 'block_9_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 87 'block_9_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 88 'block_10_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 89 'block_10_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 90 'block_10_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 91 'block_10_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 92 'block_10_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 93 'block_10_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 94 'block_10_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 95 'block_10_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 96 'block_11_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 97 'block_11_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 98 'block_11_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 99 'block_11_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 100 'block_11_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 101 'block_11_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 102 'block_11_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 103 'block_11_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 104 'block_11_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 105 'block_12_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 106 'block_12_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 107 'block_12_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 108 'block_12_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 109 'block_12_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 110 'block_12_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 111 'block_12_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 112 'block_12_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 113 'block_12_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 114 'block_13_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 115 'block_13_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 116 'block_13_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 117 'block_13_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 118 'block_13_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 119 'block_13_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 120 'block_13_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 121 'block_13_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 122 'block_14_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 123 'block_14_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 124 'block_14_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 125 'block_14_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 126 'block_14_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 127 'block_14_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 128 'block_14_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 129 'block_14_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 130 'block_14_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 131 'block_15_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 132 'block_15_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 133 'block_15_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 134 'block_15_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 135 'block_15_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 136 'block_15_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 137 'block_15_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 138 'block_15_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 139 'block_15_add' Addition Element-wise addition of 2 inputs 140 'block_16_expand' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 141 'block_16_expand_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 142 'block_16_expand_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 143 'block_16_depthwise' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 144 'block_16_depthwise_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 145 'block_16_depthwise_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 146 'block_16_project' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 147 'block_16_project_BN' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 148 'Conv_1' Quantized Fused Convolution Layer Quantization Aware Conv-BN Layer Group for Training 149 'Conv_1_bn' Identity Training Layer No operation to forward behavior 150 'out_relu' Clipped ReLU Clipped ReLU with ceiling 6 151 'global_average_pooling2d_1' 2-D Global Average Pooling 2-D global average pooling 152 'new_fc' Fully Connected 5 fully connected layer 153 'Logits_softmax' Softmax softmax 154 'new_classoutput' Classification Output crossentropyex with 'daisy' and 4 other classes
To apply quantization aware training to a network that contains convolution layers without an adjacent bach normalization layer, use the QuantizedConvolutionTrainingLayer provided with this example instead of QuantizedConvolutionBatchNormTrainingLayer.

Do Quantization Aware Training

Using the layer graph with quantization aware training layers, train the network. Compared to the training of the original network, the training options have been modified to increase the number of MaxEpochs to 10 and the ValidationFrequency to every 2 epochs.
miniBatchSize = 32;
validationFrequencyEpochs = 2;
numObservations = augimdsTrain.NumObservations;
numIterationsPerEpoch = floor(numObservations/miniBatchSize);
validationFrequency = validationFrequencyEpochs*numIterationsPerEpoch;
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", ...
MaxEpochs=10, ...
MiniBatchSize=miniBatchSize, ...
InitialLearnRate=3e-4, ...
Shuffle="every-epoch", ...
ValidationData=augimdsValidation, ...
ValidationFrequency=validationFrequency, ...
Plots="training-progress", ...
quantizationAwareTrainedNet = trainNetwork(augimdsTrain,quantizationAwareLayerGraph,options);

Quantize the Network

The network returned by the trainNetwork function still has quantization aware training layers. The quantization aware training operators need to be replaced with operators that are specific to inference. Whereas training was performed using 32-bit floating-point values, the quantized network must perform inference using 8-bit integer inputs and weights.
Remove the quantization aware layers and replace with underlying learned convolution layers using the removeQuantizationAwareLayers function, provided at the end of this example.
preQuantizedNetwork = removeQuantizationAwareLayers(quantizationAwareTrainedNet);
Perform post-training quantization on the network as normal using the function createQuantizedNetwork, provided at the end of this example.
quantizationAwareQuantizedNet = createQuantizedNetwork(preQuantizedNetwork,augimdsCalibration);
quantizedNetworkDetails = quantizationDetails(quantizationAwareQuantizedNet)
quantizedNetworkDetails = struct with fields:
IsQuantized: 1 TargetLibrary: "cudnn" QuantizedLayerNames: [105×1 string] QuantizedLearnables: [60×3 table]

Evaluate the Quantized Network

Evaluate the performance of the quantized network.
quantizedNetworkCCR = evaluateModelAccuracy(quantizationAwareQuantizedNet,augimdsValidation,validationActualLabels)
quantizedNetworkCCR = 0.8937
bar( ...
categorical(["Original network","Post-training quantized network","Quantization aware training network"]), ...
[netCCR,originalQuantizedCCR,quantizedNetworkCCR] ...
ylabel("Network Accuracy (%)")
The accuracy for the quantized network after quantization aware training is on par with the accuracy of that from the original floating point network.


  1. The TensorFlow Team. Flowers http://download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz
  2. Gholami, A., Kim, S., Dong, Z., Mahoney, M., & Keutzer, K. (2021). A Survey of Quantization Methods for Efficient Neural Network Inference. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13630
  3. Jacob, B., Kligys, S., Chen, B., Zhu, M., Tang, M., Howard, A., Adam, H., & Kalenichenko, D. (2017). Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05877

Supporting Functions

Download Flower Dataset

The downloadFlowerDataset function downloads and extracts the flowers dataset, if it is not yet in the current folder.
function imageFolder = downloadFlowerDataset
url = "http://download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz";
downloadFolder = pwd;
filename = fullfile(downloadFolder,"flower_dataset.tgz");
imageFolder = fullfile(downloadFolder,"flower_photos");
if ~exist(imageFolder,"dir")
disp("Downloading Flower Dataset (218 MB)...")

Perform Transfer Learning

The createFlowerNetwork function replaces the final fully connected and classification layer of the MobileNet-v2 network and retrains the nework to classify flowers.
function transfer_net = createFlowerNetwork(net,augimdsTrain,augimdsValidation,classes)
% Define network architecture.
% Find and replace layers to perform transfer learning.
lgraph = layerGraph(net);
% Replace the learnable layer with a new one.
learnableLayer = lgraph.Layers(end-2);
numClasses = numel(classes);
newLearnableLayer = fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses, ...
Name="new_fc", ...
WeightLearnRateFactor=10, ...
lgraph = replaceLayer(lgraph,learnableLayer.Name,newLearnableLayer);
% Replace the classification layer with a new one specific to the type
% classes seen in the flowers dataset.
classLayer = lgraph.Layers(end);
newClassLayer = classificationLayer(Name="new_classoutput");
lgraph = replaceLayer(lgraph,classLayer.Name,newClassLayer);
% Specify training options.
miniBatchSize = 64;
validationFrequencyEpochs = 1;
numObservations = augimdsTrain.NumObservations;
numIterationsPerEpoch = floor(numObservations/miniBatchSize);
validationFrequency = validationFrequencyEpochs * numIterationsPerEpoch;
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", ...
MaxEpochs=5, ...
MiniBatchSize=miniBatchSize, ...
InitialLearnRate=3e-4, ...
Shuffle="every-epoch", ...
ValidationData=augimdsValidation, ...
ValidationFrequency=validationFrequency, ...
Plots="training-progress", ...
% Train the network.
transfer_net = trainNetwork(augimdsTrain,lgraph,options);

Evaluate Mode Accuracy

The evaluateModelAccuracy function compares the classify output of the network with the actual labels.
function ccr = evaluateModelAccuracy(net,valDS,labels)
ypred = classify(net,valDS);
ccr = mean(ypred == labels);

Create Quantized Network

The createQuantizedNetwork constructs a dlquantizer object for GPU target, simulates and collects ranges of the network with a representative datastore using the calibrate function, then quantizes the network using the quantize function.
function qNet = createQuantizedNetwork(net,calDS)
dq = dlquantizer(net,ExecutionEnvironment="GPU");
calResults = calibrate(dq,calDS);
qNet = quantize(dq);

Make Quantization Aware LayerGraph

The makeQuantizationAwareLayers function takes a DAGNetwork object as input and replaces 2-D convolution, grouped 2-D convolution and batch normalization layers with quantization aware versions. The layer replacement works for this particular network where the layers are in topologically sorted order but may not work for other networks.
function lg = makeQuantizationAwareLayers(net)
lg = layerGraph(net);
for idx = 1:numel(lg.Layers) - 1
currentLayer = lg.Layers(idx);
nextLayer = lg.Layers(idx + 1);
% Find 2-D convolution layers or 2-D grouped convolution layers.
if (isa(currentLayer,"nnet.cnn.layer.Convolution2DLayer") ...
|| isa(currentLayer,"nnet.cnn.layer.GroupedConvolution2DLayer"))
if isa(nextLayer,"nnet.cnn.layer.BatchNormalizationLayer")
% Replace convolution layer with quantization aware layer.
qLayer = QuantizedConvolutionBatchNormTrainingLayer(currentLayer,nextLayer);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,currentLayer.Name,qLayer);
% Replace batchNormalizationLayer with identity training
% layer.
qLayer = IdentityTrainingLayer(nextLayer);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,nextLayer.Name,qLayer);
% Replace convolution layer with quantization aware layer.
qLayer = QuantizedConvolutionTrainingLayer(currentLayer);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,currentLayer.Name,qLayer);

Remove Quantization Aware Layers from Network

The removeQuantizationAwareLayers function extracts the original layers from the quantization aware network and replaces the quantization aware layers with the original underlying layers.
function net = removeQuantizationAwareLayers(qatNet)
lg = layerGraph(qatNet);
% Find quantization aware training layers and replace with the
% underlying layers.
for idx = 1:numel(lg.Layers)
currentLayer = lg.Layers(idx);
if isa(currentLayer,"QuantizedConvolutionBatchNormTrainingLayer")
cLayer = currentLayer.Network.Layers(1);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,cLayer.Name,cLayer);
bLayer = currentLayer.Network.Layers(2);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,bLayer.Name,bLayer);
elseif isa(currentLayer,"QuantizedConvolutionTrainingLayer")
cLayer = currentLayer.Network.Layers(1);
lg = replaceLayer(lg,cLayer.Name,cLayer);
net = assembleNetwork(lg);
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